#PassthePlatform July 31st, 2020 Featuring Seattle multidisciplinary artist Adé Connere!
Ghost Gallery is proud to present a new Pass the Platform series. Each Friday on our blog as well as on our Instagram/Facebook pages, we will be amplifying voices from the BIQTPOC artist, music, writer and performance community. Our first guest is the inimitable Adé Connere!
Adé is a Singer, Songwriter, Actor, Violinist, Dancer, Performance Artist, Model, Curator, Producer and Activist. For 16 years they have been part of the Seattle Theatre, Cabaret, Music, Fashion and Art scenes. They are also co-creator and star of the web series Buttry Brown, as well as a long time resident of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. As an artist their primary focus has been in the performing arts I.e. music and theatre. But as times change, they are adapting to expand their artistic expression virtually with video production and photography.
As a response to the current Pandemic they began working on a series of self portraits called “The 19 Looks of Covid-19” using objects and materials found around their apartment to create masks as wearable art. Next up, they are working on a project that focuses on the current racial injustice that BIQTPOC experience and the general unrest and uncertainty the world is experiencing as a whole.
Visit their website and Instagram!