Call for Art Closed / Stay posted for 2020 exhibit information

Seeking Tarot-themed artwork for a group exhibition at Ghost Gallery,
opening Feb. 14th, 2019

Please submit the following information to curator(at)ghostgalleryart(dot)com no later than
Jan. 28th, 2019.
Link to your website and/or Instagram along w/a brief bio.
Jpeg images of work/tarot decks/accessories you'd like to submit for consideration. *Please send images as jpeg attachments, or use a Zip file/Dropbox link for larger files.
Work can be any medium as long as it fits within the Tarot theme, however preference will be given to the following formats:
Packaged Tarot and/or Oracle Decks, Original Paintings, Photography, Works on paper, Mixed media, Limited edition prints depicting interpretations of Tarot cards and/or themes. Tarot-themed jewelry, accessories and/or clothing will also be considered.
Submissions that don’t include the above information will not be considered.

Limited wall space available (up to 3 wall-mounted pieces p/artist), but plenty of shelf space for decks/jewelry/Tarot accessories.
Deadline to Submit is Monday, Jan. 28th, 2019. Contact with any questions, and feel free to share this Call with your fellow artists!
image: Anima Mundi Tarot Deck
